lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Restoration Period: Diarist


Two great diarists are among the most significant witnesses to the development of the Restoration world. Both possessed formidably active and inquisitive intelligences. 

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Was a man of some moral rectitude and therefore often unenamoured of the conduct he observed in court circles; but his curiosity was insatiable, whether the topic in question happened to be Tudor architecture, contemporary horticulture, or the details of sermon rhetoric. 

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Whose diary, unlike Evelyn’s, covers only the first decade of the Restoration, was the more self-scrutinizing of the two, constantly mapping his own behavior with an alert and quizzical eye. He also described major public events from close up, including the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London and a naval war against the Dutch. Though not without his own moral inhibitions and religious gravity, Pepys immersed himself more totally than Evelyn in the new world of the 1660s, and it is he who gives the more resonant and idiosyncratic images of the changing London of the time. Pepys’s diary is full of the oddities of everyday life: food, places, singular characters encountered only once. It was written in cipher for no reader other than himself and gives an often disarming sense of the writer’s weaknesses and his self-interest. (It was not decoded until the 19th century.)

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Restoration Period: Correct Answers Quiz #2

1.  Sir Milliam Davenant.
2. Gondi Bert was of epic length, and it was admired by Hobbes
3. Poets expressed their points of view in other forms, usually public or formally disguised poetic forms such as:
·     Odes
·     Pastoral
·     Poetry
·     Ariel verse

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Restoration period Quiz #2

1.   Who was the first poet in the restoration period?

2.    What was the Gondi Bert about?

3.    How did poets express their point of view? 

possible answers please send us comments. 

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Restoration Period: Correct Answers Quiz #1

1. Restoration literature is the English literature written during the historical period.
2. The restoration was an age of poetry.
3. Throughout the period, the lyric, Ariel, historical, and epic poem was being developed.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Restoration Period: Prosaic Writing in the Restoration

Prosaic Writing in the Restoration

While drama and poetry were still the main means of literary expression, a new form of writing was emerging at this period. Both the novel and journalism were coming to the forefront of literature, one specializing in fiction aimed primarily at women with the other keeping a chronicle of politics, society and the rapidly expanding world. Of course, religious and philosophical writing continued as did the scurrilous pamphlets Cromwell had tried to ban. As more cultures, societies and lands were discovered scientific writing also became popular. ​

Restoration Period: Restoration Poetry

Restoration Poetry

Poetry was just as important to literature in the Restoration era and many of those known as playwrights were also known as poets. John Dryden was even proclaimed the first poet laureate by King Charles II while Sir William Davenant attempted to write the first Restoration epic poem to recapture the works that had dominated the medieval and Renaissance periods. Lyric, ariel, historic and epic poems dominated the age, especially as poets of the time attempted to recapture the works of the Classical age. ​

Restoration Period: Restoration Theatre

Restoration Theatre

Charles II developed a taste for theater while at the court of French as well as the new Spanish dramas taking England. He also held Catholic sympathies and enjoyed the pageantry of the high mass. One of his first actions as king was to reopen the theaters, and Thomas Killigrew received an special patent to establish the King’s Company and the first patent theater at the Theatre Royal on Drury Lane. The second patent went to Sir William Davenant, who established the Duke of York’s theater company for his own theater in Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

Restoration Period: Historical Background

Historical Background
During the Interregnum, Cromwell and his cronies had strict rules and censorship in place to limit any publications made in England. What resulted was a domination of Puritanical literature, religious tracts and pamphlets. Because they could not publish works deemed “controversial” without being punished by the government, many English writers continued to produce works in secret and waited until the overthrow of Cromwell’s regime to publish. Likewise, the Puritans had been against staged performances, and the strong theatrical tradition of the Elizabethan era had come to an end. The theaters were closed, putting actors and playwrights out of work.  

Restoration Period: Political Context

Political Context

In addition to conveniently providing the title for the period, the restoration of Charles II has a particularly defining influence on the literature that was written in the second half of the 17th century. The political events of the previous decades resulted in tremendous turmoil for the English people.

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016

Restoration Period: Basic Information

What Was the Restoration Period?

One of the most important and interesting aspects of literature is the way that it both responds to and is inevitably shaped by the political context in which it is written. Some of the best examples of this can be found in the Restoration period, which lasted from 1660 to around 1688. The name 'restoration' comes from the crowning of Charles II, which marks the restoring of the traditional English monarchical form of government following a short period of rule by a handful of republican governments.