miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Restoration Period: Correct Answers Quiz #2

1.  Sir Milliam Davenant.
2. Gondi Bert was of epic length, and it was admired by Hobbes
3. Poets expressed their points of view in other forms, usually public or formally disguised poetic forms such as:
·     Odes
·     Pastoral
·     Poetry
·     Ariel verse

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Restoration period Quiz #2

1.   Who was the first poet in the restoration period?

2.    What was the Gondi Bert about?

3.    How did poets express their point of view? 

possible answers please send us comments. 

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Restoration Period: Correct Answers Quiz #1

1. Restoration literature is the English literature written during the historical period.
2. The restoration was an age of poetry.
3. Throughout the period, the lyric, Ariel, historical, and epic poem was being developed.